Seattle's Log
Seattle is different!!!
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12/06/2007 21:58:37
 jim  Floods in Seattle?
This happened in Seattle, on  Monday, 12/03/2007. I've heard this isn't normal for Seattle. I rarely snows here too. Doesn't it seem like the weather in the last three years has gone awry? Between New Orlean's Katrina, Louisvilles drought's/record highs and Seattle's snow/flooding, we've been around the national news everywhere we've gone.
12/05/2007 17:18:11
 jim  Our New Apartment - The Summit
Summit at Lake Union
Pros : 18 minutes to work by bus(I save $250 parking), w/d, dishwasher, 680 sq ft, two balconies with great views, underground parking, patio on the roof that is awesome, jacuzzi, spa, sauna, pool, pool table, cyberroom.
Cons : $1,250 a month total, 8 month lease, and uh, and that's about it.
I like driving to work, but taking the bus is more logical.
Deciding Factor : The veiws of Seattle and Lake Union are spectacular!
This is why I work. Seeing beauty like this is what I live for. I won't have to look for it, I'll be surrounded by it!
I guess this is what I'd want heaven to be like (except its cold, and I don't have friends here...yet).
12/05/2007 10:18:08
 jim  Seattle Buildings are magnificent!
12/03/2007 17:48:55
 jim  While parked on a steep hill
A girl in front of me decided she wanted to parallel park...
Right next to where I was. We were on a steep hill. I couldn't back up, but she persisted.
She waited for 4 lights to cycle, and nothing changed. She caused a backup for at least 5 miles.
Finally, a guy behind me gets out, yells at her
"HEY, we can't back up. None of us can back up! You just can't park here mam".
He was kind of smiling as he walked by. I said thank you. There was a parking garage on the next block.
The drivers here aren't really bad, but they just seem kind of stupid.
12/03/2007 16:10:22
 jim  Seattle Buildings
12/01/2007 19:00:26
 jim  Seattle Ferry, Snow, and Beauty!!!
It rarely snows in Seattle.
This was a rare treat. Beauty keeps coming our way. The last day in Louisville was beautiful. The trip was beautiful. The first day in Seattle was great! We don't deserve this beauty. What did we do to deserve this? ...Read On

I think it is what goes around, comes around.
I told Becky of how I put three people up for Employee of the Month at Caesars. They never knew, or asked how it happened. What happened was, I liked their work, and I took 5 minutes out of my life to pass around a Nomination for Employee of the Month. Each got $1,000, and it cost me nothing. They had no idea that I sponsored it.
I think nature rewards good deeds.
I don't know how it works. But beauty often hides in the details. It rarely surrounds you. It lives a quiet world, that is there if you discover it.
12/01/2007 14:31:32
 jim  More Snow on the Ferry
12/01/2007 09:15:16
 jim  Downtown Seattle
My work site - 925 Fourth Ave

Quest Field
1700 Madison $980/mo

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